
Using Items with Varieties in Transactions - Varieties and the 'Item Status' Window

The 'Item Status' window provides instant feedback for each Item concerning the quantity in stock, the quantity on order, how many can be shipped and the current gross profit. This window can be opened from the 'Items: Browse' and 'Items: Inspect' windows, and from Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Invoices, Deliveries, Stock Depreciation records and Stock Movements by choosing 'Item Status' from the Operations menu.

When you open the 'Item Status' window from the 'Item: Inspect' window, it displays information about the current Item. When you open it from the 'Items: Browse' window, it displays information about the Item highlighted in the list. This information will change as you click on different Items in the list. In both cases, the figures shown in the 'Item Status' window will refer to the Item as a whole (i.e. all Varieties).

When you open the 'Item Status' window from other windows, for example, from an Invoice or Order, it displays information about the Item in the row containing the cursor. In this case, it responds to Item Numbers, combined Item/Variety Numbers and to partially entered Item/Variety Numbers. For example, entering an Item Number in an Invoice, and then selecting 'Item Status' from the Operations menu produces the following result:

This shows that there are 1260 pairs of trousers in stock, of all Varieties.

If we enter the Item Number and the first Variety, the result is as follows:

This shows that we have in stock 465 pairs of trousers with a 32" waist. This includes trousers of all fits and with any inside leg measurement.

In a similar manner, the 'Item Status' window will respond to the Item Number and the first two Varieties, and to the complete Item/Variety Number. However, it will not respond to the Item Number and the second Variety only (fit in the example), so we could not use this method to establish how many Regular fit trousers with any waist and inside leg measurement we have. So, you should consider this feature when deciding the order that you list your Variety Groups in your Variety Masks.

There is a [Var] button on the far right of the 'Item Status' window. Clicking this button produces a Varieties in Stock report for the Item in question.