
Record Window - Drag and Drop

You can also link information in different registers or settings by dragging and dropping. Information can be dragged from the browse window of one register into the record window of another. For example, a Customer Number can be dragged from the 'Customers: Browse' window into an Invoice. With both the 'Customers: Browse' and 'Invoice: New' windows open, find the correct Customer in the list, click on the Customer Number and drag it to the Customer Number field of the Invoice. Items and information from settings such as Payment Terms can be added to Invoices, Orders and other transactions in the same manner. In the case of Items, you can select a range of Items by clicking while holding down the Shift key, and then drag them to the Item field in the first empty Invoice row.

In certain circumstances, it is also possible to create records by dragging and dropping. For example, an Order can be dragged from the 'Orders: Browse' window to the 'Deliveries: Browse' window to create a Delivery for all the Items on the Order. Once that Delivery has been approved, the Order can then be dragged from the 'Orders: Browse' window to the 'Invoices: Browse' window to create an Invoice for all delivered Items.

If you have several Companies, information can be transferred from one Company to another by dragging and dropping between browse windows. For example, when a new Company is created, you can drag all the Accounts from the 'Accounts: Browse' window of an existing Company to that of the new Company. This makes it easy to transfer basic information to the new Company. If you transfer approved accounting transactions of any kind using this method, they will appear as unapproved transactions in the new Company. An approved transaction is one from the Sales Ledger, Purchase Ledger or Stock module that has been posted to the Nominal Ledger.