
Creating a New Database - The Program Mode Register

The Program Mode register allows you to control the operation of the server. It is in the Technics module, so if you working from a client you must make sure you are the only user logged into the system, and you should be logged in as a system administrator as described here. You can also work on the server itself using the GUI application.

Use the [Module] button in the Master Control panel or the Ctrl-0/⌘-0 keyboard shortcut to go into the Technics module, then click the [Program Mode] button in the bottom left-hand corner of the Master Control panel.

The Program Mode register contains the following fields:

Server Card

Server Port
Specify the Port that you want to be used for TCP/IP communication between the Enterprise by HansaWorld server and its clients. The default is 1200. If you have more than one copy of Enterprise by HansaWorld running different databases on the same server (not recommended), each must feature a unique Server Port number.

If you change the Server Port or put one in for the first time, you must quit Enterprise by HansaWorld and restart for the change to take effect.

Default Company
If you have more than one Company in your database and you would like a particular one to be used by default when you launch Enterprise by HansaWorld, enter the Code of that Company here. The next time you launch Enterprise by HansaWorld, the Company specified here will be opened automatically and the 'Select Company' window will not appear. If you need to work in a different Company, click the [Cancel] button when the 'Login' window appears.

This field is the only field in this register that only applies to single-user systems.
Bind IP Card
Bind to IP Address
Use this field if your server machine has several network cards/interfaces with separate IP addresses. Specify here which one of those IP addresses you want to use for communication between the Enterprise by HansaWorld server application and its clients.
Other Cards
The remaining fields in this register are only used in the specialised situations when setting up the Web Shop and Print and Fax servers. You can leave them blank when setting up a standard data server.

For details about setting up Print and Fax servers, please refer to the description of the Printers setting. For details about setting up a Web Shop, please refer to your local HansaWorld representative.

Once the 'Server' card of this register is complete, click the [Save] button in the Button Bar to save. If you have entered a Server Port number for the first time (or changed the one that was already there), quit Enterprise by HansaWorld and restart to allow the change to take effect.

Changing the Master Password

When you use a client machine to log in to the server, you will be able to log in as an existing user, or you will be able to use a [New User] button to create a new User Account in the server database. When you do this, you will be asked to enter the Master Password before you can create the new User Account. If you have not specified a Master Password, you will not be able to use this feature.

If you need to specify a Master Password for the first time, or want to change the Master Password, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Program Mode register as described above.

  2. Choose 'Set Master Password' from the Operations menu. The 'Choose Master Password' window opens:

  3. Enter the new Master Password and click the [Run] button.

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