
Introduction to the Assets Module in Standard ERP

The Assets module in Standard ERP allows you to record the Assets in your company, to calculate and post depreciation, to revalue Assets and to dispose of Assets. The module is integrated with the Nominal Ledger and with the Rental module.

The Assets module includes functions that will calculate the depreciation for each Asset depending on its value and on user-defined depreciation rules. These rules, which are known as "Depreciation Models" in Standard ERP, allow you to specify depreciation rates, depreciation periods (daily, monthly, quarterly or yearly) and depreciation calculation methods (straight line or declining balance. These functions can create depreciation transactions in the Simulation or Transaction registers, or you can record depreciation in the Nominal Ledger yourself by copying depreciation figures from reports.

You can enter Asset records directly to the Asset register and you can create them remotely from Purchase Invoices and Stock Transfer records. When entering Purchase Invoices, you will be able to use the 'Asset' function on the Create menu (Windows/macOS) or + menu (IOS/Android) to create an Asset record from any Item in a Purchase Invoice. When you purchase an Item that you intend to offer for rent, you will use a Stock Transfer record to transfer the Item from sales stock to rental stock. An Asset record for the Item will be created automatically as part of this process.

Please refer to the following pages for details:


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