
Attachments - Attaching Files to Records

To attach a file to a record, open the record in question and click the [Attachments] button. Select 'Attach File' from the Operations menu. An 'Open File' dialogue box will open, allowing you to locate the file to be attached. Find the file and click [Open]. The file will be attached to the record. Its filename will appear in the list of Attachments with the prefix "File:". You can attach as many files as you like to a single record.

The 'Attach File' function attaches a file to a record by copying the file into a folder called "Attach" that is in the same folder as your FirstOffice application. In multi-user systems, the "Attach" folder should be on the server. This means that you will still be able to download and read the attached file, even after the original has been deleted. If you want to attach a large file to a record, make sure (using the disk space indicator in the 'About FirstOffice' window) that the hard disk containing your FirstOffice application has sufficient space. As the file is uploaded to the server, a progress indicator appears so that you can monitor its progress.


The "Attach" folder must be present in the folder containing your FirstOffice application if you want to attach files to records. Do not rename any of the files in the "Attach" folder.