Entering a Sales Order - Items Card Part 2 (Flips C-H)
This page describes the fields on flips C-H of the 'Items' card of the Sales Order record. Please follow the links below for descriptions of the other cards:
Flip C- Order Type
- Paste Special
Choices of possible entries
- Default taken from Item (Default Order Type)
- Use the Order Type field to specify whether an Item will be "Drop Shipped" (ordered from a Supplier who will deliver the Item directly to your Customer so it doesn't pass through your warehouse).
- If you set this field to "Default", the Item will obey the Order Type specified on the 'Terms' card in the header. Please refer to the description of the Order Type field on the 'Terms' card here for more details.
- Cost
- The unit Cost Price of the Item will be used in Gross Profit and Margin calculations.
- The default offered in each row will be chosen as follows:
- If an Item is Serial Numbered at the Batch or Unit level, you are using the Cost Price for Serial Number option for that Item and you are using the Use Actual Cost Price for GP Cost option in the Cost Accounting setting in the Stock module, the appropriate Cost Price for the Serial Number will be brought in to this field when you specify a Serial Number on flip E.
- If the Price List of the Order is one whose Type is "BuyBack", the Cost Price will be taken from the record in the Price register for the Item/Price List/Customer combination.
- The Cost Price from the Item record will be used.
If you need the figure that is brought in to be the Cost Price of the Item plus its Extra Cost, select the Include Item Extra Cost in Cost option in the Cost Accounting setting in the Stock module. If you would like this figure to be updated with the unit cost of sales value when you mark the related Delivery as OK and save, use the Update Cost Price on Order when Delivering option in the Order Settings setting. The Gross Profit will be recalculated accordingly.
- If you duplicate an Order, the new Order will contain the latest Cost Price from the Item register, and the Gross Profit will be recalculated accordingly. The Cost Price in the original Order will not be transferred to the new Order.
- You can prevent certain users from changing Cost Prices in an Order using Access Groups, by denying them access to the 'Changeing Cost on Sales Order Rows' Action. You can also hide the Cost field altogether, by denying access to the 'View Item's Cost Price' Action. This will hide the Cost field, the GP field immediately below and the GP % and Total GP fields in the footer, and it will hide the same fields in Invoices and Quotations as well.
- GP
- The Gross Profit for the Order row is calculated by subtracting the Cost Price (multiplied by the Quantity) from the Sum. The figure is therefore absolute, not a percentage. You cannot change this figure yourself, but it will be recalculated if you change the Unit or Cost Price or the % discount.
Flip D- Salesmen
- Paste Special
Person register, System module and Global User register, Technics module
- If necessary, you can specify a different Salesman or Salesmen (separated by commas) for each row of the Order.
- From any Invoices created from the Order, the Bonus, Salesman report will assign any commission for the corresponding row in the Invoice to the Salesman specified in the row only (i.e. not to the Salesman specified in the header).
- The 'Workflow Activity' function will not create Activities for the row Salesmen, and the Order will not be recognised as belonging to the row Salesmen by the Limited Access feature.
- Del., Del. OK
- These two fields display the quantity delivered from the Order row. They will be updated automatically when you create Deliveries from the Order (you will need to close the Order and re-open it to see the updated figures). The Del. figure will be calculated from all Deliveries, while the Del. OK figure will be calculated only from Deliveries that have been marked as OK. You cannot raise Invoices for Deliveries that have not yet been marked as OK.
- If the Item is a Plain or Service Item and if you are using the Automatic Delivery for Service and Plain Items option in the Stock Settings setting in the Stock module, the Order Quantity will be placed in these fields when you save the Order. This means that you can invoice such Items immediately without the need for a Delivery, and that they will not appear on any Deliveries.
- Invoiced
- This field displays the quantity invoiced from the Order row. It will be updated automatically when you raise Invoices from the Order (you will need to close the Order and re-open it to see the updated figure). The figure will be calculated from all Invoices, including those that have not yet been marked as OK.
- If you invalidate an Invoice related to the Order, the Invoiced Quantity in the relevant Order rows will be updated automatically.
- If you credit an Invoice related to the Order, the Invoiced Quantity will be updated automatically if you are using the Credit Notes Update Invoiced Quantity option in the Order Settings setting and providing you create the Credit Note using the following methods:
- You create the Credit Note by duplicating the original Invoice, and you enter the appropriate Payment Term and the number of the Invoice to be credited before you save the Credit Note for the first time.
- You create the Credit Note by selecting 'Credit Note' from the Create menu (Windows/Mac OS X) or from the + menu (iOS/Android) from the original Invoice or from the relevant Returned Goods record.
If you are not using the Credit Notes Update Invoiced Quantity option, you can update the Invoiced Quantity using the 'Recalculate Orders' Maintenance function.
- If you create the Credit Note by entering a new record to the Invoice register, the Invoiced Quantity figure in the originating Order will not be updated, irrespective of whether you are using the Credit Notes Update Invoiced Quantity option, and it will not be updated by the 'Recalculate Orders' function. This is because the Credit Note will not be connected to the Order.
- If you credit or invalidate an Invoice that was created using the 'Group Invoicing' Maintenance function, the Invoiced Quantity in the relevant Orders will not be updated irrespective of whether you are using the Credit Notes Update Invoiced Quantity option.
- Recipe
- Default taken from
- If the Item is a Structured Item whose Paste Components During Entry box (on the 'Recipe' card of the Item record) has not been ticked, its Recipe will be recorded here, brought in from the Item record. A Structured Item is essentially an Item that is assembled by your company on the point of delivery from components held in stock: its Recipe lists those components with quantities. You should not change this field. Please refer here for more details about Recipes.
Flip E- Serial No.
- Paste Special
Serial Numbers of Items in stock
- If the Item uses Serial Numbers at the unit or batch level, you can enter them here. They will then be transferred to the Delivery when you create it from the Order. However, it will be more usual to leave this field empty and to specify Serial Numbers in the Delivery.
- If the Item uses Serial Numbers at the unit level and if the Quantity is greater than one, the Delivery will be given the appropriate number of rows each with a Quantity of one, allowing you to enter Serial Numbers individually.
- One reason to specify Serial Numbers in an Order before creating a Delivery is when you want to reserve particular Serial Numbers against an Order. In this case, specify the Serial Numbers, save the Order and then select 'Reservations' from the Operations menu (Windows/Mac OS X) or Tools menu (iOS/Android). If the Item is Serial Numbered at the unit level and you have sold more than one, enter separate rows in the Order each with a Quantity of 1. Please refer here for more details about the 'Reservations' function.
- If you enter a Serial Number in a new row, other details such as the Item Number and Name, pricing information, Location and, if appropriate, Position will be brought in automatically.
- When you create an Invoice from an Order for an Item that uses Serial Numbers at the unit level, the Invoice can mirror the Order (i.e. it can contain a single row for the Serial Numbered Item with the Quantity from the Order and with no Serial Numbers) or it can mirror the Delivery (i.e. it can contain a number of rows each with a Quantity of one, showing each Serial Number). The latter case will be useful if you need to have the Serial Numbers printed on Invoices as well as on Delivery Notes. If you need the Invoice to mirror the Delivery, select the Invoice based on Delivery option in the Order Settings setting or, if you don't want to use this option, create the Invoice from the Delivery.
- If you have not specified a Location in the Order, the 'Paste Special' list will show the Serial Numbers of Items in every Location, with an indication of the Location in which each Serial Number is stored. However, if you have specified a Location on the 'Del. Terms' card or on flip F of the row, the 'Paste Special' list will only show the Serial Numbers stored in that Location.
- If you would like the Best Before date and/or Batch Status of each Serial Number to be shown in the 'Paste Special' list, select the Show Best Before Dates and/or Show Batch Status options respectively in the Item Settings setting in the Sales Ledger. Please refer to the description of the Batch Specifications setting in the Stock module for details about Best Before Dates and here for details about Batch Statuses.
- The 'Paste Special' list will not be available if you are using the No Serial No. on Goods Receipts option in the Stock Settings setting. In this case, if you do enter a Serial Number here, no check will be carried out that the one you have used is valid (i.e. one that is currently in stock).
- No default Serial Numbers will be offered, so you will need to enter them yourself. There is no automatic FIFO allocation.
- Plan. Del.
- Paste Special
Choose date
- The date on which the Item is scheduled to ship, if this is different to the Planned Delivery Date on the 'Terms' card. Enter this date using the format specified in the Planned Delivery setting. Available options are Free Text, Date, Week Number or Year and Week (4 characters).
- If you are using the Force Planned Delivery Date option in the Planned Delivery setting, you must enter a Planned Delivery Date either here or on the 'Terms' card before you can save the Order.
- If you are using the 'Create Planned Records' Maintenance function to create Purchase Orders for Items on Sales Orders based on the 'Just In Time' principle, this field must use the Date format, set in the Planned Delivery setting. For this purpose, it will take precedence over the Planned Delivery Date entered on the 'Terms' card.
- Price Factor
- Default taken from
- The Price Factor is the quantity of the Item that can be bought by the Unit Price. For example, if the Unit Price of an Item refers to a box of 24 units, its Price Factor will be 24. Specifying a Price Factor for such an Item is only necessary if it will be sold in individual units (e.g. if you will break into the box of 24 to sell a single unit). The Price Factor will be used to calculate the price of a single unit (in this example, the Price Factor will be 24).
- When you use an Item with a Price Factor in an Order row, the Quantity that you specify on flip A should be the quantity of individual units, not the quantity of boxes. When you enter a Quantity, the Sum will be calculated using the formula (Quantity/Price Factor) * Unit Price.
- The Unit Price field on flip A (and the Base Price field in the Item record) can only support three decimal places. Using a Price Factor can be useful if you need to use more. For example, if the price per unit is 0.0001, you can enter 0.01 as the Unit Price and 100 as the Price Factor. This will result in a Sum of 0.0001 when the quantity is one.
Flip F- Delivery Note
- You can use this field to record any documentation number connected with the Order row, for purposes of cross-reference. This field is not updated automatically.
- Location
- Paste Special
Locations setting, Stock module
- You can enter a separate stock Location for each row of the Order. This will be transferred to flip B of any Delivery row resulting from this Order row. Please refer to the section describing the Location field on the 'Del. Terms' card for full details.
- If you have specified a Location in this field, the figures in the 'Item Status' window will refer to this Location. If this field is empty, those figures will refer to the Location specified on the 'Del. Terms' card. If you have not specified a Location here or on the 'Del. Terms' card, the figures will refer to all Locations. This will be the case even if you have specified a Main Location in the Stock Settings setting.
- After issuing a Delivery from a row, you will not be able to change the Location in that row, even if you have not yet marked the Delivery as OK.
- Position
- Paste Special
Position register, Warehouse Management module
- You can only use this field if you are using the Warehouse Management module.
- If so and if the Demand Position option has not been ticked in the relevant Location, you can specify the Position in the Location from which the Item will be taken. This will be copied to the Delivery.
- If the Demand Position option has been ticked in the relevant Location, leave this field empty. In this case, you will create Deliveries using the 'Create Deliveries from Orders' Maintenance function which will specify Positions in each Delivery row automatically.
- Source
- Paste Special
Sources setting, Stock module
- Default taken from Item (Default Source)
- This field allows you to record the origin of the Item (e.g. the manufacturer or farm). This will be copied to the Delivery and will be printed in Order documentation if you have included the "Source" field in your Form Template designs.
- When producing a Sourcing List report, you can list Order rows with a particular Source.
Flip GThese fields have been provided for use in the EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) module where you may need to record the history of perishable goods such as fruit and vegetables. They will also be useful in other circumstances where the detailed recording of dated information of any kind is required. You can use the Sourcing List report to print out this information.
Use 'Paste Special' from each field to choose a date or enter the current time as appropriate.
If you need to enter information to these fields, you must do so before you create a Delivery from the Order row. Once a Delivery exists, you cannot change the information in these fields.
- Pick. Date, Time
- The date and time the goods were picked or harvested.
- Inl. Date, Time
- The inload date and time when the goods were received into your warehouse.
- Desp. Date, Time
- Record here the despatch date and time for this Order row if they are different to those entered on the 'Date' card.
Flip H- Unit, Unit Qty, Unit Pr. of Unit
- These fields allow you to sell an Item using a different Unit to the one specified on the 'Pricing' card of the Item record.
- If you enter a Unit that has a Qty Factor here, the Quantity and pricing for the Order row will change accordingly. For example, an Item is usually sold in single units. If you sell two dozen of them, you can enter the Unit representing one dozen (i.e. one whose Qty Factor is "12") in this Unit field and "2" in the Unit Qty field. The Quantity on flip A will change to "24" (i.e. 2 x 12) and the pricing will be adjusted accordingly. The Unit Price of Unit field will show the price for one dozen (i.e. the price of one of the new Unit).
- Use 'Paste Special' from the Unit field to choose from a list of Units.
- Width, Height, Depth
- Default taken from
- These fields contain the dimensions of the Item. You can use them together with the Unit Qty field if the Item is sold by area or volume. Please refer to the description of the Units setting for details and an example.
The Sales Order register in Standard ERP:
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