
Trial Balance

The Trial Balance is a form of combined Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss report, showing balances for each Account but not debit and credit subtotals. You may export the Trial Balance for the whole year or for an arbitrary part of the year as a tab-separated text file, and it can then be imported for further processing for example by an Annual Report generating program.

Double-click 'Trial Balance' in the 'Exports' list to open the 'Specify Trial Balance Export' window.

Please click here for details about the Values In options added to the specification window by the Dual-Base Currency Value Pack.
Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Enter the start and end dates for the period to be covered by the export, separated by a colon.

Paste Special    Object register, Nominal Ledger
Enter a value in this field if you want to the export to contain Account balances for a certain Object. If the field is empty, the total balances of all Accounts, irrespective of Object, are exported.
Confirm with [Run] (or cancel using the close box). FirstOffice will open a dialogue box where you can name the export file and specify where it is to be saved.

Enter a name for the file. Click [Save] or press the Enter key.

A message window informs you about the progress of the export process. The process can be interrupted at any time by pressing Esc (Windows) or ⌘-Full Stop (Macintosh).