
Entering a POS Invoice (POS Invoice Workflow) - Payment

When you have added the Items to the POS Invoice, you should receive payment from the Customer. To do this, you can either click or touch the relevant button for the payment method used by the Customer (e.g. the "Cash" or "Credit Card" buttons), or you click or touch the "Pay" button (if the Customer pays using more than one payment method and if the POS Invoice contains a "Pay" button).

Please refer here for full details about each payment method. The following payment methods are available: Cash, Cheque, Credit Card, Debit Card and Pay (i.e. more than one payment method together).

If the Customer cannot pay, you can cancel or void the POS Invoice. This is known as "Invalidating" the POS Invoice. The POS Invoice will remain in your system, but it will be marked with red lines. If you print a receipt, it will be marked "Cancelled". Invalidating a POS Invoice is described here.


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