
Invoices for Factoring - Swedish Banks

This page contains some guidance about where to enter information in order for it to be included correctly in Invoices for Factoring export files when they are produced using the following Factoring Banks: Faktab Finans, Handelsbanken (SWE), Intrum Justicia, Nordea (SWE) and SEB.

Faktab Finans

  1. In the Company Info setting, ensure the Company Name is correct.

  2. In the Factoring Export setting, ensure the Contract Number is correct and that the field isn't blank.

  3. In the Contact records for each Customer:

    1. Specify the Customer's VAT Registration Number. This will be copied to each Invoice and exported from there.

    2. Ensure the address and telephone number are correct. These will be copied to each Invoice and exported from there. For the address, use the first two Address fields. The second field should contain the postal code and the town, separated by a space.
  1. Invoice Numbers should contain a maximum of ten characters.

  2. If you enter a Contact Person in the Attention field in an Invoice, it will be included in the export file.

  3. If you enter a Delivery Address in an Invoice, it will be included in the export file.
  1. You should not include Invoices that you issued in different Currencies in the same export file.

Handelsbanken (SWE)

  1. In the Factoring Export setting, ensure the Contract Number is correct and that the field isn't blank.

  2. In the Contact records for each Customer:

    1. Enter the Customer's Company Registration Number in the Reg. No. 1 field.

    2. Enter the address using the first two Address fields. The second field should contain the five-digit postal code (in "XXX XX" format) and the town, separated by a space.

    3. Ensure the country and telephone number are correct.

    4. The maximum number of characters that you can use in Customer Numbers is thirteen.

  1. The maximum number of digits that you can use in Invoice Numbers is ten.

  2. If you enter an Our Reference in an Invoice, it will be included in the export file. The Our Reference field will take its default from the Person record of the user who creates an Invoice.

  3. If you specify a Cust. Ord. No. in an Invoice, it will be included in the export file.
  1. You should only export Invoices that you issued in local Currency (i.e. SEK).

Intrum Justicia

  1. In the Factoring Export setting, ensure the Contract Number is correct and that the field isn't blank.

  2. In the Contact records for each Customer:

    1. Specify the Customer's VAT Registration Number.

    2. Enter the address using the first and third Address fields. The third field should contain the five-digit postal code (in "XXXXX" format) and the town, separated by a space.

    3. Ensure the address, country and telephone and fax numbers are correct.

    4. The maximum number of characters that you can use in Customer Numbers is twelve.
  1. The maximum number of digits that you can use in Invoice Numbers is ten.
  1. You should only export Invoices that you issued in local Currency (i.e. SEK).

Nordea (SWE)

  1. In the Factoring Export setting, ensure the Contract Number is correct and that the field isn't blank.

  2. In the Contact records for each Customer:

    1. Specify the Customer's VAT Registration Number.

    2. Enter the address using the first two Address fields. The second field should contain the five-digit postal code (in "XXXXX" format) and the town, separated by a space.

    3. The maximum number of characters that you can use in Customer Numbers is ten.
  1. The maximum number of digits that you can use in Invoice Numbers is seven.
  1. Use the Windows mode option in the specification window to choose the character set to be used in the export file. If you select this option, the character set will be the one specified in the Local Machine setting in the User Settings module. If you do not select this option, CP437 will be used.


  1. In the Company Info setting:

    1. Ensure the Company Name and telephone number are correct.

    2. Enter your Company Registration Number in the Reg. No. field.

  2. In the Factoring Export setting, ensure the Contract Number is correct and that the field isn't blank.

  3. In the Contact records for each Customer, enter the Customer's Company Registration Number in the Reg. No. 1 field.
  1. If you do not enter a Currency in the specification window, only Invoices without a Currency will be exported.

Export functions in the Sales Ledger and Integration modules:

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