
Nominal Ledger Transactions from Cash Transactions

When you approve and save a cash transaction, a Nominal Ledger Transaction will be generated automatically if so determined in the Sub Systems setting in the Nominal Ledger and in the Payment Modes setting.

If the cash transaction is in the Cash In register and you have left the 'Payments' card empty, this Transaction will debit the Account from the Payment Mode and credit the Account from the Corresponding Mode. If you are using the Post VAT option in the Cash Book Settings setting, there will also be a credit posting to the Output Account specified for the VAT Code record. Objects on the credit side will be taken from the Cash In record, while those on the debit side will be taken from the Payment Mode.

If the cash transaction is in the Cash Out register and you have left the 'Payments' card empty, this Transaction will credit the Account from the Payment Mode and debit the Account from the Corresponding Mode. If you are using the Post VAT option in the Cash Book Settings setting, there will also be a debit posting to the Input Account specified for the VAT Code record. Objects on the debit side will be taken from the Cash Out record, while those on the credit posting will be taken from the Payment Mode.

In both cases, the Specification from the cash transaction will be copied to the Text field in the Transaction.

If you are using the 'Payments' card, please refer to the description of that card here for details of the resulting Transactions.

If you created the cash transaction from an Invoice or Purchase Invoice using the 'Create Cash In' or 'Create Cash Out' Operations menu functions respectively, the Transaction will not include a VAT element even if you are using the Post VAT option, because VAT will already have been posted from the originating Invoice.

Shown below is an example of a Nominal Ledger Transaction created from a Cash In record where the Post VAT option is in use:

Once the Transaction has been generated, you can look at it straight away using the 'Open NL Transaction' function on the Operations menu.