
Production Journal

This page describes the Production Journal report in the Production module.


The Production Journal report is a list of Production records in the Production register, and includes lists of the Production Operations and Stock Movements that have been created from each Production.

When printed to screen, the Production Journal has the Standard ERP Drill-down feature. Click (Windows/macOS) or tap (iOS/Android) on any Production, Production Operation or Stock Movement Number to open an individual Production record.

Range Reporting    Numeric
Enter the Production Number (or range of Production Numbers) of the records to be shown in the report.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Enter the start and end dates of the reporting period. Productions whose End Dates fall within this period will be shown in the report.

Paste Special    Recipe Register, Production module
Enter a Recipe Number to list Production records that use a particular Recipe.

Tag/Object (from Header)
Paste Special    Tag/Object register, Nominal Ledger/System module
Enter a Tag/Object to list Production records with a particular Tag/Object (visible on the 'Comment' card). If you enter a number of Tags/Objects separated by commas, only those Productions featuring all the Tags/Objects listed will be shown.

Remember that when you specify a Machine in a Production, the Tag/Object from the Asset record for the Machine will be copied to that Production. So, if you are using that connection, specifying a Tag/Object here will list the Productions that were built or assembled using a particular Machine.

Work Shift
Paste Special    Work Shifts setting, Production module
Use this field if you want to list Productions that have been worked on during a particular Work Shift. A Production will be shown in the report if its Start Time and End Date comply with the specified Work Shift record. If a Production has an End Date that complies with the Work Shift record but its Start Time is blank, it will not be included in the report.

These options control the level of detail shown in the report.
On a single line per Production record, this option shows Number, End Date, Recipe, Quantity produced, Comment and whether it has been marked as Finished.

This option shows the details of each Production record, listing the components individually with Serial Numbers and costs.

Cost from Item Record
Usually, the Detailed version of this report takes the costs of the components from the Production records. Select this option if you would like the costs to be taken from the relevant Item records.

Print Total by Item
This option adds a second section to the report, listing the Input and Output Items used in the Productions listed in the report. The list includes total Input and Output quantities, I-costs and W-costs for each Item.

Include Activities
This option will add an extra column to the Overview version of the report, showing the number of hours spent working on each Production. This is calculated from Activities in which the Production Number has been recorded on the 'Service' card and that have been marked as Done.

In the Detailed version of the report, this option will add a summary section for each Production, showing the total number of hours spent working on the Production by each Person/Activity Type combination.

Profile Activities will not be included in the figures.

Select the appropriate options to include Production records of different types in the report. You must select at least one option, otherwise a blank report will result.

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