
The MyStandard Page - Enablers command

This page describes the 'Enablers' command in MyStandard.


The 'Enablers' command on the MyStandard page will open a new browser tab taking you to a page displaying details about your Enabler Key. Here you can check when the Key expires, and, if necessary, obtain a Short Term Enabler. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to MyStandard. If you are already logged in, you may need to select 'Companies' in the main menu at the top of the window.

  2. If you have more than server, select the one you want to work with in the list on the left-hand side of the window.

  3. Press 'Enablers'. This command will only be visible if you have Admin Access or Marketplace access to the server on MyStandard.

A new browser tab will open, showing your Contract Number, the date your system or you last applied for an Enabler Key ('Key request date') and the Key Valid Until date for the enabler:

If you need to apply for a Short Term Enabler, you can request it from this window by selecting 'Request short term enabler'. A new window will open where you should enter the following information:
Enabler valid for (days)
Enter the number of days for which the Short Term Enabler is to be valid.

Reason for requesting STE
Enter the reason for requesting a Short Term Enabler.

Attach documentation to support your request, for example a payment order.
All three fields are mandatory. When they are complete, select 'Request short term enabler'.

A request will be sent to the appropriate person in HansaWorld for approval. Use 'Short term enabler request history' to check the status of the request. When the status of the request changes to 'Approved', apply for a new Enabler Key from the Internet Enablers setting in the System module in Standard ERP to receive your Short Term Enabler.

Below 'Short term enabler request history' the window will show the Enabler Registration Serial Number for the Contract, the date and time when the Contract was registered for Automatic Internet Enablers and the Status of the Registration. There will often only be one entry in this list as shown in the illustration above, but in some installations there may occasionally be a need to close a Registration and open a new one. If so, both or all Registrations will be included in the list.

If you need to close an 'Active' registration follow the 'Close Registration' link. To open a new Registration, use the [Register for Automatic Internet Enablers] button in the Internet Enablers setting. For example, if you need to transfer your Enabler from one database to another (i.e. to one where the Registration No. field in the Internet Enablers setting is not filled in). In this situation, close the Registration for the first database using the 'Close Registration' link and then use the [Register for Automatic Internet Enablers] button in the Internet Enablers setting in the second database.


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