
Allowing Contacts to Log In

This page describes how to specify which Contacts will be able to log in to your website.


All Persons will be able to log in to your website, but you will explicitly need to select which Contacts (e.g. which Customers, Suppliers and Contact Persons) will be able to log in. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the Allow Login option on the 'Terms' card of the relevant Contact record:

  2. You can set a password for a Contact using the following methods:

    • Highlight the Contact in the 'Contacts: Browse' window and choose 'Change Password' from the Operations menu.

      Fill in the two Password fields and save. The new password must satisfy any requirements you have set in the Password Security setting in the System module.

    • Open the Contact in a record window and choose 'Random Password Mail' from the Create menu. This will assign a random password to the Contact and then open a new Mail that you can use to send an email containing the new password to the Contact. This method requires you to be subscribing to the Email and Conferences and External Email modules and you must have configured the Email SMTP Server setting. Please refer here for full details about the mailing facilities in Standard ERP.
You can also allow customers to register through your website. When a customer registers, a new Contact record will be created. It is likely that you will need the Allow Login box to be ticked automatically in this new record, in which case you should select the Allow Login option in the My Account Settings setting. You can also specify a default Customer Category and Type for each new record in this setting. The new Customer will be asked to choose their own password. Please refer here for more details about customer registration.

In a multi-Company database, a user will only be able to log in to the Company that contains their Contact record. By default (i.e. If you have not carried out any configuration work to the contrary), a user will need a Contact record in the first Company in the Company register to be able to log in. If you will need users in different Companies to be able to log in, please refer to the Webshop in a multi-Company Database page for details about the necessary configuration work. You may also want to change the "Login Failed" Web Text (Web Text 20081) so that it includes an <a href> link to a page where users can select a country (as described here) as this will ensure they will be able to log in to the correct Company.


Allowing Contacts to Use Your Website:

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