
Cash Report

This page describes the Cash Report in the Cash Book module.


The Cash Report is a modified version of the Daily Balances report in the Nominal Ledger. It provides daily debit, credit and overall balances for the Account on flip A of the specified Payment Mode. If you would like an itemised list of the postings to the Payment Mode Account, use the N/L Cash Book report (or the Nominal Ledger report in the Nominal Ledger). The report is compiled using information in the Transaction register in the Nominal Ledger and will therefore include Cash Notes, Cash Receipts and Cash Payments that use the specified Payment Mode as well as Cash In and Cash Out records.

Paste Special    Reporting Periods setting, System module
Specify the period to be covered by the report. To obtain balances for a particular day, simply enter the date.

If you specify a report period that is longer than one day, the report will provide debit and credit posting totals for each day in the specified period when the Account was used.

Payment Mode
Paste Special    Payment Modes setting, Sales/Purchase Ledger, Cash Book module
Enter a Payment Mode: the report will show daily debit, credit and overall balances for the Account shown on flip A of this Payment Mode.

The report will not be printed if you do not specify a Payment Mode.

Show Transactions in Period
If you select this option, the Transaction Numbers of each Transaction that falls within the reporting period, together with debit and credit totals, will be listed at the end of the report.

Values in
If you are using the Dual-Base system, use these options to specify whether the values in the report are to be shown in Base Currency 1 or 2.

If you are not using the Dual-Base system, use the Base Currency 1 option to produce a report in your home Currency.


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