
The Goods Receipt Register and the Purchase Orders Value Pack

The Purchase Orders Value Pack makes some minor changes to the Goods Receipt register in the Stock module, as follows:
Pur. Ord. No.
This extra field appears in the header of the Goods Receipt record if you have the Purchase Orders Value Pack. If you create a Goods Receipt from a Purchase Order (using the 'Create Goods Receipt' Operations menu function), the Purchase Order Number will be placed in this field by FirstOffice. It is not modifiable.

Unit Price
In a standard version of FirstOffice, the Unit Price of each Item in a Goods Receipt record is taken from the Cost Price in the Item register. If you have the Purchase Orders Value Pack, the Unit Price of each Item is taken from the originating Purchase Order (if the Goods Receipt was created from a Purchase Order), from the Purchase Item for the Item/Supplier combination or from the Cost Price in the Item register. It is therefore recommended that you specify the Supplier in a Goods Receipt record before listing the Items, so that each Unit Price is correct for the Supplier in question.

This field on flip B will default to the Purchase Cost from the relevant Purchase Item (multiplied by the quantity).

The Goods Receipt screen does not have an Object field. However, if you specify an Object in a Purchase Order row (flip B) and then create and approve a Goods Receipt from that Purchase Order, the Object will be assigned to both the debit and credit postings resulting from the corresponding Goods Receipt row.
The Purchase Orders Value Pack also changes the way the 'Create Purchase Invoice' Operations menu chooses Cost Accounts. When you have this Value Pack, the appearance of the Purchase Invoice will be determined by the Purchase Order Item Transfer Control options in the Purchase Invoice Settings setting in the Purchase Ledger. These options operate in the following manner:
Consolidate Items to Supplier Cost Account
The received Items are grouped together on a single row on the Invoice indicating that they are to be posted to the same Cost Account (the Purchase Control Account on the Account Usage Stock setting). If the Items on the Goods Receipt have different VAT Codes, there will be a separate row on the Invoice for each VAT Code. Objects specified in Goods Receipt rows will not be transferred to the Invoice.

Consolidate by Items
This option behaves in the same way as the Consolidate Items to Supplier Cost Account option described above.

Transfer Each Row Separately
Each ordered Item will have its own row on the Invoice. The Cost Accounts will be the Purchase Control Account from the Account Usage Stock setting. The appropriate Account for the Zone of the Supplier will be used. Objects specified in Goods Receipt rows will be transferred to the corresponding row in the Invoice.
If you need to use FirstOffice's Intrastat reporting feature, you should use the third option. The Intrastat P/L document lists the Items that have been purchased from Suppliers in other EU countries. This document takes Item information from the fields on flip B of the relevant Purchase Invoices. If you are using the third option, these fields will contain the necessary information in Purchase Invoices created from Goods Receipts.