
Open Invoice Customer Statement - Fields

This page lists the fields that you can use when you design the Form Template to be used by the Open Invoice Customer Statement form. Please refer here for details about printing the Open Invoice Customer Statement.


When you print statements for a range of Customers, separate statements will be printed for each Customer. So, when you design the Form Template, the fields that you can use fall into two broad categories:

  1. Fields that will be printed once per statement. These fields will print information about a Customer, and statement totals.

  2. Row fields that will list the open Invoices in a statement.
You can use the fields listed below when you design the Form Template to be used by the Open Invoice Customer Statement form. If you do not want to print the decimal places in numeric fields, choose the Cut Decimals option in the record in the Values in Text setting for the Language specified in the Company Info setting.

Field in Form TemplatePrints (from Customer)
Header Fields (these print once per Customer)
Account Balance CurrencyPrints as a list the Currencies used in the statement. So, if you print the statement using the Base Currency option, only the Base Currency will be listed, otherwise all used Currencies will be listed. As it prints a list, you should specify a Line Height for this field. You should also set the Format to "Header"
Account Balance per CurrencyPrints as a list the sums of the Invoice outstanding amounts in each Currency. As it prints a list, you should specify a Line Height for this field. You should also set the Format to "Header". Together with the previous field, this allows you to add a table to the Form Template showing the sums of the outstanding amounts in each Currency used
AddressName (if you are using the Organisation Name option in the Form Settings setting) and Invoice Address from the Contact record for the Customer. This will be printed on separate lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field. Use the Form Settings setting to set the format of this field (e.g. to specify whether blank lines will be printed, whether parts of the address will be printed on the same line, etc.)
Aged CurrentIf you are using Accounting Periods to determine your ageing periods, the "Aged Value 0" field will include Invoices that are not yet due for payment and Invoices that became due on the date of printing ("Current" Invoices). You can use the Show Invoices Due on Specified Date as Current Invoices option in the Age Limits setting to split this figure into two. This will mean that the "Aged Value 0" field will only include Invoices that are not yet due for payment, while this field will print the "Current" amount (i.e. the amount that became due on the date of printing). Please refer to the description of the Age Limits setting for more details and an example
Aged On Date CurrentAs "Aged Current" above, but will print the amount that is current on the On Date specified in the specification window or, if the On Date is blank, on the date of printing
Aged TotalThe total amount that is outstanding on the date specified in the On Date field in the specification window or, if the On Date is blank, on the date of printing.
This includes open and overdue Invoices, irrespective of whether you print the statements using the Open option or the Overdue option. So, if you print the statements using the Overdue option, the Aged Total may not be the same as the statement total printed in the "Sum" field.
This figure also includes open Credit Notes, irrespective of whether you use the Include Open Credit Invoices option in the specification window. "Sum", "Sum Due" and "Sum Not Due" do not include Credit Notes if they are not listed in the statement.
This figure will also include open Prepayment and On Account values.
This figure will always be in the Sales Currency specified in the Contact record for the Customer. If the Sales Currency is blank, this figure will be in Base Currency 1.
Aged On Date TotalAs "Aged Total" above
Aged Value 0The amount that is not yet due for payment on the date the statement is printed. This figure will include open Prepayment and On Account values, which are not subject to aging.
Aged On Date Value 0As "Aged Value 0" above, but will print the amount that is not yet due for payment on the On Date specified in the specification window or, if the On Date is blank, on the date of printing
Seven fields from Aged Value 1 to Aged Value 7These fields print the overdue amounts divided into ageing periods. The ageing periods are determined by the Age Limits setting or the Accounting Periods setting.
For example, if you have specified age limits in the Age Limits setting of 30, 60, 90 and 120 days, Aged Value 1 will print the amount outstanding for between 0 and 30 days, Aged Value 2 will print the amount outstanding for between 31 and 60 days, and so on. In this example, as there are four ageing periods, Aged Value 5 will print the amount outstanding for longer than 120 days.
If you want the ageing periods to be determined by the Accounting Periods setting, use the Use Accounting Periods instead of Age Limits option in the Age Limits setting, and specify how many Accounting Periods you want to use.
Even if you specify an On Date in the specification window, the age of an Invoice for the purposes of the Aged Value 0-7 fields will be the number of days between its Due Date and the date the statement is printed. If you need the age of an Invoice to be the number of days between its Due Date and the On Date, use the Aged Value On Date 0-7 fields. If you need the age of an Invoice to be calculated from its Invoice Date (instead of its Due Date), use the Aged based on Invoice Date option in the specification window.
The figures in the Aged Value 0-7 fields will always be in the Sales Currency specified in the Contact record for the Customer. If the Sales Currency is blank, they will be in Base Currency 1.
Seven fields from Aged On Date Value 1 to Aged On Date Value 7As Aged Value 1-7 above, but will age Invoices to the On Date specified in the specification window or, if the On Date is blank, to the date of printing
Change during the PeriodFinal value in the "Balance" row field, in the Currency chosen in the specification window
Contact PersonPrimary Contact from the Contact record for the Customer
Customer Currency Sales Currency from the Contact record for the Customer or, if blank, Base Currency 1
Customer Fax NumberFax from the Contact record for the Customer
Customer Name Name from the Contact record for the Customer
Customer NumberNo. from the Contact record for the Customer
Customer Registration No. 1 Reg. No. 1 from the Contact record for the Customer
Customer Registration No. 2 Reg. No. 2 from the Contact record for the Customer
Customer Telephone Number Telephone from the Contact record for the Customer
Customer VAT Reg. NumberVAT Reg. No from the Contact record for the Customer
Delayed plus InterestThe value in the "Sum, Due" field + the sum of the values in the "Interest" row field
Document TypePrints "Periodic Customer Statement". This field only prints if the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is set to "Portuguese"
Extra CostAdditional Cost from the specification window
Interest FeeBase Price from the Item quoted in the Invoicing Fee field in the Interest setting
Interest from dayOn Date from specification window or, if blank, the date of printing
Interest SumSum of the values in the "Interest" row field
Invalid InvoicePrints "Document not valid as an Invoice". This field only prints if the VAT Law in the Company Info setting is set to "Portuguese"
Number of DelayedNumber of Invoices in the statement that are overdue. This figure will not include Credit Notes if you do not use the Include Open Credit Invoices option when printing a statement
Number of Not DelayedNumber of Invoices in the statement that are not yet due for payment. This figure will not include Credit Notes if you do not use the Include Open Credit Invoices option when printing a statement
Prepayments / Unallocated CashTotal open Prepayment and On Account value, in the Currency chosen in the specification window, printed as a negative figure
Reminder Level (remtext)Checks the Reminder Levels in the Invoices in the statement and prints the Reminder Text for the highest Level, taken from the Reminder Texts record for the Language of the Customer. A Reminder Text can occupy up to three lines, so you should specify a Line Height for this field
Start DateOn Date from specification window or, if blank, the date of printing
SumFinal value in the "Balance" row field + Additional Cost from the specification window, in the Currency chosen in the specification window
Sum, DueThe total amount that is overdue on the date specified in the On Date field in the specification window or, if the On Date is blank, on the date of printing, in the Currency chosen in the specification window. This figure will not include Credit Notes if you do not use the Include Open Credit Invoices option when printing a statement
Sum, Not Due The total amount that is not yet due for payment on the date specified in the On Date field in the specification window or, if the On Date is blank, on the date of printing, in the Currency chosen in the specification window. This figure will not include Credit Notes if you do not use the Include Open Credit Invoices option when printing a statement. If you print the statement using the Overdue option, it will not include Invoices that are not yet due for payment and so nothing will be printed in this field
Sum + interestFinal value in the "Balance" row field + sum of the values in the "Interest" row field + Additional Cost from the specification window
Sum + interest feeFinal value in the "Balance" row field + the value in the "Interest Fee" field
Sum + interest + interest feeFinal value in the "Balance" row field + sum of the values in the "Interest" row field + the value in the "Interest Fee" field
Total including Prepayments/unalloc. cashFinal value in the "Balance" row field + sum of the values in the "Interest" row field + the (negative) value in the "Prepayments / Unallocated Cash" field
Total SumFinal value in the "Balance" row field + the (negative) value in the "Prepayments / Unallocated Cash" field
Row Fields (these print once per row (i.e. once for each open Invoice), so remember to specify a Line Height and to set the Format to "Matrix"):
BalanceAccumulating outstanding amount, in the Currency chosen in the specification window (i.e. in the second line in the statement, prints the total outstanding from the first and second lines; in the third line, prints the total outstanding from the first three lines, and so on)
Comment 2Comment from the relevant row for the Invoice in the Number Series - Invoices setting
Customer Order number from InvoiceCust. Ord. No.
CurrencyCurrency (if you use the Currency option in the specification window) or Base Currency 1 (otherwise)
DelayedNumber of days by which the Invoice is outstanding (i.e. number of days from the Due Date to the date specified in the On Date field in the specification window or, if the On Date is blank, to the date of printing).
If you need the age of an Invoice to be calculated from its Invoice Date (instead of its Due Date), use the Aged based on Invoice Date option in the specification window.
If you are using the Open and Overdue option in the Age Limits setting, a positive figure will be printed for an Invoice that is not due for payment on the On Date/date of printing (i.e. one whose Due Date is later than the On Date/date of printing), while a negative figure will be printed for one that is overdue (i.e. one whose Due Date is earlier than the On Date/date of printing). If you are using the Overdue Only option in the same setting, 0 will be printed for an Invoice that is not due for payment, while a positive figure will be printed for one that is overdue
InterestInterest payable on the Invoice for the number of late days, calculated using the Rate in the Interest setting and the outstanding amount in the Currency chosen in the specification window. The field will be blank if the Interest box is not ticked for the Customer or if the No Interest box is ticked in a particular Invoice
Invoice AmountTOTAL
Invoice Day Invoice Date
Invoice Due DateDue Date
Invoice NumberNo.
Invoice Text String made up of the Type of the Invoice (i.e. "Invoice", "Interest Invoice", "Receipt" (for Down Payment Invoices), "Cash Note" or "Credit Note") + space + No.
Invoice TypeType of the Invoice (i.e. "Invoice", "Interest Invoice", "Receipt" (for Down Payment Invoices), "Cash Note" or "Credit Note")
Invoice Type (short)Type of the Invoice, abbreviated (i.e. "INV", "INT" (for Interest Invoices), "DPT" (for Down Payment Invoices), "CASH" or "CRED")
KID ChecksumKID Code checksum
KID CodeKID Code (formatted depending on the Bank, Client Code (OCR) and OCR Code option specified on the 'OCR' card of the Bank Transfer setting)
KID code with no ChecksumKID Code without checksum
Official Serial NumberOfficial No.
Open Invoice ValueOutstanding amount, in the Currency chosen in the specification window
Open Invoice Value in Base 1 Outstanding amount, converted to Base Currency 1
Our Reference (ourref) Our Reference
Received ValueTOTAL - Outstanding amount (i.e. amount already paid or credited), in the Currency chosen in the specification window
Reminder LevelReminder Level. If you select the Increase Reminder Level option in the specification window, the increased Level will be printed
Transaction NumberNo.

Please refer here for details of the standard fields that you can also include in the Form Template.


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