
Number Series Defaults

FirstOffice allows you to define several Number Series (number sequences) for use in generating Order Numbers, Invoice Numbers, Transaction Numbers and so on. By default, FirstOffice will select the next available number from the first Number Series defined for the current period whenever you create a new record.

If you have several number sequences in each Number Series setting, you can specify here which one is to be used as the default when creating new records in each register. Take care to specify a number in each field that falls in a recognised Number Series. If you specify a number that is not in a Number Series, all new records in the affected register will not be given serial numbers when they are created. The implications of this are quite far reaching: for example, Invoices will not be created by any of the remote Invoice creation functions (e.g. from Sales Orders). This situation will be most common in cases where Number Series are tied to a period such as a calendar year and that period ends.

If you are not using Number Series, FirstOffice will normally start numbering transaction records from 1.

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