
Local Machine Groups

This page describes the Local Machine Groups setting in the Restaurant module.


The Local Machine Groups setting allows you to divide your tills and devices into groups for the purposes of the Restaurant Item Statistics report. This report can provide you with sales statistics for Items sold through Bar Tabs on the tills and devices belonging to a particular Local Machine Group. For example you might enter Local Machine Groups that represent different Branches, different floors within the restaurant or different areas in the restaurant.

Specify a unique identification Code for each Local Machine Group. You can use up to five alphanumeric characters.

Paste Special    Local Machines setting, Point of Sales/Restaurant/Technics module
Enter the Local Machine Code of each till or device that belongs to the Local Machine Group, separated by commas.

If you need to use 'Paste Special' to enter several Local Machine Codes, enter the first Local Machine Code and then type the comma before opening the 'Paste Special' list. This will cause the next Local Machine Code to be added to the one already entered. Otherwise, the previous Local Machine Code will be overwritten.

A particular Local Machine Code can belong to more than one Local Machine Group, as shown in the illustration.

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